Stealing Cable 1.9

Heyoo, you probably noticed some slight differences. It really feels like a new house in here, without any furniture. With the template up and ready to go, I'll work on bringing that stuff in. What you have to look forward to? Massive increase in quantity and scope of content..check. Advances in ease of use to get you said content? Check. Super secret surprise? Check. This is the largets step towards the new "full site" that I've ever done, and I know it looks bare now, but you will like it once the cards fall. I will be working on a new logo to replace our Itunes logo above, as well as go about collecting all of the syndication links so that this page doesn't read like a text file. Finally I will be substantially adding to the link roll, and bringing back the recent posts. I just have a hell of a time getting reacquainted with HTML after falling back on the blogger generic templates for so long. So enjoy the new stream of content, and look forward to a few more cool things to come.

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