G4 Rebooted

Long time readers might remember an article that I did on the G4 network, which centered mostly on what was wrong with their centerpiece, "Attack of the Show." For the two or three of you that watch, last week, they actually did what they called a deep revamp for the whole network. Here's what I, their target demographic, think.

The syndicated shows still suck.

X-Play has some great new slick graphics, and that's about all that changed. Any changes on this show seem to be about 99 percent window dressing, and considering this show is the only one that was able to successfully survive the demise of Tech TV, that is a good thing. Adam Sessler is still the only great talent on the network.

Filter's new host? Howard Stern's girlfriend Beth Ostrosky. Much older than most of G4's new hot chick crop (she's an ancient 33) this was kind of a weird choice, considering their philosophy. I'm sure the show will still be worthless. I only mention this show because any chance I get to type Howard Stern on here will be taken. His website is at howardstern.com.

Attack of the Show arguably received the most sweeping changes, from the new hosts, new set, and new format. This show fares best from the changes, but still has a ways to go to do what it sets out to. The show is going less for a talk show and more for a news type show, which leads to a much more professional format. Kevin Periera does all of the heavy lifting, and the other "stars" are relegated to segments and transitions. He seems to be a lot less annoying. The show still doesn't need to be an hour long, but there is much less filler and faux-edgy banter than before. Sarah Lane replacement Olivia Munn is clueless. Brendan Moran replacement Zach Selwyn is almost comically simiiar to his predessor. New Feed reader, nameless British chick, is unnecessary, since there is now a scroll at the bottom of the screen for the duration of the show, as well as the feed appearing once an hour, every hour all throughout the day. Debate segment "The Loop" is the best new addition, even though it is just a stripped down and more broadly focusted "G4TV.com." The show has broadened greatly in scope, again giving the hosts more to discuss, but also creating major overlap..for example, who do they think watches this show for sports news? The sometimes loopy sketches are still here, and they are still as hit or miss as ever, but this was always part of the charm for me. The show seems like a compromise between suits who loved the old format, and those who were pushing for something more radical. The balance is pretty good, but I can't help but think if they had just went the whole 9 yards and totally changed the show, we might have something more compelling. I used to watch the show every day (though I would usually fast forward through about half of it, and have to delete the 40 replays from my DVR because G4 can't classify the fuckers as repeats!!). About six months ago, when the show was obviously being railed by network notes and subtle change, I gave up, and nothing here really makes me want to go back to the daily routine. It is a major step in the right direction, but at best, they are right back where they started with this mess of an idea.

Overall, the network still seems torn between their Spike TV Man channel direction and their nerdy roots. Since the network changes about once a year, I suppose we can start a countdown until the next reboot, when hopefully they will get the impetus to follow through on a real change, and end this 3 year identity crisis.

1 comment:

Fazer said...

I hate Adam Sessler's X-play persona. He is actually a very intelligent game journalist, but when he is on the x-play set he tries far too hard to be funny.

I hate all aspects of Morgan Webb, except her breasts...and even they lose luster when you see that they are attached to the plain face and a lack of actual gaming cred hidden poorly behind scripts that she is just reading.