The Rapaport Report

It's been a while, my friends and enemies, but what with my Rapaport-less summer depression to get over it took three new episodes of The War At Home to finally get me back on my feet. As a first order of business, I'd like to get the issue of his name out of the way first. Is it spelled "Rapaport" or "Rappaport"? The answer: Both! The fact is, an actor of Rap's stature can have as many or as few Ps in his name as is his whim. Who's going to stop him? You? Don't make me laugh.

Anyway, this season of the show seems to have some changes in store. Hillary is a high school senior now, and visions of her possible future are invading. Will she finally crack down and take school seriously, or will she keep on slackin'? My guess is she will just get stupider and sluttier, and find success along that path. I mean, this is a show about America not Nerd-bekistan. Although, coincidentally enough, older son Larry is played by Nerd-bekistani thespian/prodigy Kyle Sullivan...ajad. Larry (or should i call him Gideon?) is going through some changes this year, with reinvention in his mind. But sadly his moniker change, his new attitude, and even his clothing can't disguise the real him, mostly because he's in high school and hasn't reached puberty. Maybe that will be the most important change we see in him this season, but somehow I doubt it. This young man's voice will be cracking well into his retirement years. Younger son Mike is a freshman in high school now, and his world is reeling. Should he stick to a long term relationship in hopes of someday getting to feel her up, or should he date around until he finds a girl who will let him round the bases right away? It's a matter of investment savvy, and at age 14 you can't expect a burgening sexual predator to find the easiest marks on his very first try, can you? Only Rapaport has the balls to ask these questions in prime time.

Speaking of our hero, how have Dave and Vicky been handling the changes in their kids' lives? With the proper mixture of frank honesty and problem-deteriorating lies. Hillary, you can't sing. Gideon, your name isn't Gideon. Mike, your virginity is shameful. Kids, stop bothering us when we want to have afternoon sex. Is the man ever wrong? Only when he admits he was wrong. Now last night's episode was mostly about Dave and Larry (and Kenny, glad to see he's back this season) going to a sci-fi convention. Dave felt rather uncomfortable there, and I think the show missed an opportunity in not focusing on how nerd girls use these events as excuses to get nearly naked, which might have been a good way for father and son to bond. Instead it relied on some jerky has-been celebrity not giving autographs. I blame everybody on the show but Rapaport for this reliance on cliche, but that's neither here nor there. During some of the inner monologue sequences, we see Rapaport in a superhero outfit, and that reminded me of something else he did this year which I haven't yet mentioned. Rapaport has indeed been keeping busy with film as well, one of which happens to be a unique take on the superhero movie. Special follows Rapaport as a possibly delusional man who believes he's a superhero, with powers improving everyday. Unfortunately, it seems it hasn't found a distributor just yet, but it's been moving around the festival circuit. The trailer can be found here: . I suggest you watch it, and of course, keep watching The War At Home.

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