Barely a Review: LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD

I don't know what bugs me more. The fact that LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD isn't a great film, or the fact that it doesn't suck ass. It's in that vast category known as okay. It's fine for a what it is, a big loud summer action film. But as the 3rd sequel in the greatest action franchise ever it's easily the Fredo. If you're wondering, DIE HARD is Michael, DIE HARDER is Sonny, and WITH A VENGEANCE is Tom Hagen.

The film's main saving grace is Bruce Willis. He may not be able to say fuck but all the other looks and nuances of John McClane are here. I am stunned to say that Justin Long holds his own as the computer hacker who helps McClane save society from crumbling. Beyond those 2 the film excels at serving up a lot of entertaining stunts and fight scenes. All things being equal I'd rather see McClane shoot more people in the head, but he's able to dish out a lot of carnage as the film unfolds.

The main weak link is Timothy Olyphant as McClane's new nemesis. There are moments where you think he'll be a viable threat, but he also whines too much at the first sign of trouble. I like my villains with a healthy supply of confidence. Also, the scenes of various Federal agents trying to make heads or tails of what's going on have no life at all. It really makes you appreciate what having actual well-developed supporting characters meant to the original film.

Should you see this film? I suppose so. After last summer's offerings of X3, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3, and SUPERMAN RETURNS at least LIVE FREE has a lot of exciting moments and a hero you can root for. Though you may not be rooting quite as hard as you did during the previous DIE HARDS.


worry said...

i think the one question we all want answered is this: is carl winslow in this one?

Chris said...

Nope. No Powell, no Argyle, no Thornberg.

Fazer said...

why the fuck are we getting blogger spam all of a sudden?

i guess that means we have finally gotten enough readers where spammers feel like they can make a profit.

We did it guys!