American Gladiators is BACK

Around the time ESPN Classic started showing reruns of American Gladiators, I started to wonder why tv has waited so long to resurrect the show. Well, NBC has answered all our prayers. They are bringing the show back likely as a mid season replacement. Interestingly, they are going to follow the contestants more closely leading up to the actual bouts against the Gladiators and delve into interpersonal drama. I am not too excited about that part, but the fact the show is back makes me real happy.

Three things need to be maintained though.

1. The Theme music

2. The Gladiators with personality

3. And of course...NITRO

From his Wikipedia page, "Clark [Danny "Nitro" Clark] is also a mailman and often performs magic tricks." He truly is a jack of all trades!

Here's a link to the original Variety story.


worry said...

in the mean time, Nitro can be seen on CMT's Celebrity Bull's odd to see him in anything but shiny red, white, and blue spandex, but he remains tough enough to take out any of america's mightiest dweebs with a high speed tennis ball.

Fazer said...

Wesley "Two Scoops" Berry was no dweeb good sir, nay he was a king amongst men...