Sleeper Cell Awakes

Last year at this time Showtime premiered their mini-series "Sleeper Cell" to little fanfare. Since that time the show remains one of the best kept secrets on television but the critical praise it garnered was enough for a new batch of episodes beginning tonight at 9 under the banner "Sleeper Cell: American Terror."

To say the show is simply about terrorism doesn't explain the half of it. "Sleeper Cell" is perhaps the most interesting depiction of not only those in charge of stopping terrorism, but the actual terrorists themselves. One of its great gifts is the way it lulls you into a comfort level to the point where you actually like the members of the terror cell, then they'll do something that'll turn your stomach and remind you how far they'll go for their cause.

"Sleeper Cell: American Terror" will run a new episode each night between tonight, December 10th thru December 17th. Viewers with access to Showtime On-Demand have the ability to watch all the episodes starting this evening. Though I say that's cheating.

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